This is a scheduled post :) I am currently in KK now. Probably shopping for some working shirts and pants...and also nonetheless some toys which are not available in Brunei :).
I find that I had never put all my gunplas together for a photoshoot. Reason being "studio" is only 0.5m x 0.5m; not too much of space to cater all of them (as if I have alot).
Anyways, here's my gunplas. Top 2, my favourite MGs of all time; RX-78-2 eldest of the generation and Exia youngest of the generation. Just look at how much difference the design has changed over the 3 decade !!

Frankly speaking, I do keep track of how much I have spend on model kits and not proud to say that I have spend quite alot ||| BUT I am sure there are people out there who is doing way "BETTER" than !!! You know who you are !!! :D
Once again, wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
Once again, wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!