This is for the sales of my Revoltech collections. Nothing much but still something :)
Please send me an email ( or leave a message in the shoutbox if anyone of you are interested (only available in Brunei).
Delivery will be discuss in case anyone is interested. Usually it will be meeting up at one place and handling over the kits/money.
Item 1.Revoltech Yamaguchi 076 EVA-001
Price: B$55.00 negotiable

Item 2. Revoltech 021 GR-2
Price: B$25.00 negotiable
Item 3. Revoltech 044 Black-Ox
Price: B$25.00 negotiable
Thanks for viewing and being interested (hopefully; buying :D). I am gonna put another post up later for the sale of some of my Gunpla collection. Stay put.
check your email