Here are some Gunpla goodies from Banpresto in conjunction of Gundam 30th Anniversary. I am really a sucker for RX-78-2. Not too sure about the scale but here is his head !! Look's very well done and minimalistic without much panel lines (I reckon you can do some mod of your own :).
All pictures are from GA Graphics. Too bad I cannot read japanese or else I would have translated the text. Anyways pictures are good enough :)

I think this picture pretty much give you an idea of how big the head is :). Banpresto also have this wicked looking RX-78-2 figure. Have a look at the pictures below. He looks plain but bad ass and could easily rip off another Gundam's head easily !!!! Has a bit of the ver.Ka look too and some nice weathering done.

Here is another set of figures; RX-78-2 with a sliced-off shield and 3-Doms performing the famous Dom Jet stream attack. Probably most Gundam fans should now :)

The 3-doms separately....
Dom 1...

Thanks for viewing man :) Will keep you guys updated if I see anything cool again.
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